Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Week of October 29

Dear Families,

This week we are summarizing narrative stories using the critique model, learning about early natives to North Carolina’s Blue Ridge Mountains, and independently researching the animal kingdom. Of course, the children are continuing their small group lessons in language, math, fractions, and geometry as well.

Our dinner theatre is almost here! Our “stars” will begin serving at 6:00 p.m. this Thursday evening with the plays following. The three plays (one from each 9-12 class) will be presented in historical sequence; therefore, the Wright Brothers will be featured lastly as we usher in the 20th century.

A permission slip went home yesterday for our 6th years, giving permission for them to stay after school on Thursday and be transported to First Baptist Church. There, they will help prepare the tables, stage, and dinner; we will have pizza and beverage available to them for a $5 fee before they serve dinner.

Thank you to everyone who has already volunteered food and time for the dinner theatre!!!!

As of this writing (October 31, 10:55 a.m.) we have only one more contribution item needed…a crock pot of Brunswick Stew. If you can help us, please contact us or Margaret Heifferon, the room parent, by telephone, e-mail or class blog:

The following is the list of items to be contributed; please let us know if there is an error:

3 crock pots of Chili (with ladles) -- Kristen Phipps (2), Anne Gurkin (1) & Suzanne Rivera (1) = 4
3 crock pots of Brunswick Stew (with ladles) -- Chip Main (1), Carl/ Treva Anderson (1), & ________ (1 needed) 
3 crock pots of Vegetarian Potato-Corn Chowder (with ladles) -- Josanne Heath (1) & Tara Knott/ Fred Teixeira (2)
5 dozen dinner rolls -- Shannon Ward (2), Kim Woolard (2), Terri Campbell (1), Cindy Waters (1) & Jen Hales (1) = 7
5 dozen servings of corn bread or corn sticks -- Patrice Alexander (2), Terri Campbell (1), Anne Gurkin (2), Lisa Lawless (3) & Cindy Waters (3) = 11
1 large box of Saltines -- Shannon Ward
3 pound cakes -- Cortni Lilley (1), Cindy Waters (1), Jen Hales (2) & April Haltigan (1) = 5
1 package of white lunch bags -- Jen Hales
3 banana puddings -- Judy Tant (1), Mary Peed (1), & Leigh White (1)
4 apple pies -- Kristen Phipps (2) & Shannon Ward (2)
400 dessert plates -- Anne Gurkin (100), April Haltigan (350), Cindy Waters (100), Jen Hales (400) = 950 contributed
600 napkins -- Shannon Ward (600) & Kim Woolard (300) = 900 napkins contributed
1 bag of sugar (5 lbs) -- Bonnie Miller
1 family size box (24 or 48) of tea bags -- Jessica Adams

Please drop off your food contribution at the First Baptist Church kitchen by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday. Although we we will be there at 3:45 p.m., the church is open all day. If this is not feasible for you, please send in your food product with the children on Thursday.

We also need several men to volunteer to help us set up the stage at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday. The staging snaps into place and is easy to set up; it is just heavy. After the plays, we will recruit help from other parents to take the down the stage. We also will need two to three (2-3) volunteers to help serve in the kitchen; those volunteers will be able to watch the plays.

Lastly, we need some natural "North Carolina" decorations such as cotton (on the branch), berries on sprigs, ivy, pine cones, etc. Just sent it in a bag and we will arrange it.

Thank you so much for helping us with this undertaking for the children. The children have worked very hard on their lines, their props, and working together. Thank you for making our dinner and performance possible. We truly could not do it without everyone’s help!

The 5th years participated in Environmental Days at Goose Creek State Park yesterday and had a lovely time. Thank you to Cammy’s grandfather, Tim Staiger, and Ragan’s mother, Margaret Heifferon, for driving. Mrs. Smigel accompanied the children while Mrs. Prescott remained at school with the 4th and 6th years.

A letter also was sent home regarding a hot lunch opportunity for Friday, November 9. The food will be prepared by the 9-12 level with all profits benefiting the 9-12 field trip fund.

Finally, some of the children are struggling with work choices during the excitement of the play -- rehearsal, costumes, gathering props, and serving as a “critiquing” audience. Although it has probably been more difficult to focus this week, some of the work on the progress report has been “excused” accordingly. The highlights on their progress reports reflect, by our estimation, an accurate representation of what the children could have accomplished last week.

Although it is often said that our school follows Beaufort County schools for inclement weather, the Parent Handbook actually states,

“Please tune in to WITN or WNCT television stations for school closing or delay information. You may also view our website of up to date school closings:”

Also, the school’s phone system would send a message via the Alert Now system in the case of a delay or closing. We hope this is helpful!

What a lengthy letter! Thanks for your patience and for all that you do!

Amy and Darla

P.S. Thank you so much parents! You make being a room parent a lot easier with your help! Your assistance is very much appreciated!

Best wishes,

Heads Up:

Wed, 10-31     King Chicken hot lunch
Thurs, 11-1      6th grade Dinner Theatre---6:00 p.m.
Fri, 11-2           Teachers’ work day---no school for students
Mon, 11-5        Parent-teacher conferences; ½ day school-noon dismissal-BASC available
Mon, 11-5        $ 3.75 baked potato and salad hot lunch money due
Tues, 11-6       Election Day!
Wed, 11-7       MPTO at 3:45
Thurs, 11-8      Community meeting at 6:30 p.m.
Fri, 11-9           Baked potato hot lunch
Mon, 11-12      Veteran’s Day holiday—no school
Tues, 11-13     Begin baby blankets—Thanksgiving project for Beaufort County Hospital
Barnes and Noble Book Fair (all day)—MPTO fundraiser
Brrberry fundraiser for middle school--- 4:00-8:00 p.m.
Wed, 11-21     ½ day school; no BASC—begins Thanksgiving holiday
Thurs, 11-22 & Fri, 11-23        Thanksgiving holidays

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