Monday, August 19, 2013

A New School Year Begins Soon...

Dear Students and Parents:

Wow! Where did the time go? Seems like just yesterday the teachers waved goodbye as you all left school for summer adventures! Now, here it is, the start of school and a new set of adventures await you; how wonderful! We hope you had a fun summer and are all ready for a new school year. Your teachers are looking forward to meeting their new students and welcoming those of you returning. It will be nice to share with each other the activities you participated in these past several months.

Speaking of activities, there has been a lot of activity going on here since the end of the last term. Did you notice the changes to the school entrance? Isn't it exciting? We know you will enjoy the improvements to the campus. As always, we are proud of our facilities and grounds. We know you will continue to appreciate the treasures available to you on our campus and will remember to show respect to the property and the environment around you. We are pleased you have chosen to make this your academic home this year! It will be a great year!

By now, you have all of your supplies and uniforms ready. If you should need more information to prepare you for the start of school, visit the school website:

For a list of school supplies, follow this link:

Remember, orientation is this Friday, August 23, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. This is a perfect opportunity for returning students to visit with teachers and for new students to meet the teachers and explore the classroom. Come and bring in your school supplies and pick up your "spirit" shirts for this year. Shirts will be distributed to parents once the required and important school paperwork is completed. Parents, this is a wonderful opportunity to sign up for volunteer time. Parental involvement helps make this school special and helps to ensure the positive community we strive to maintain for our students. You are needed and appreciated! There are many opportunities available to fulfill your hours, but may I add:

Please consider being the room parent this year. Although I do not mind filling this role again, I do not want to "hog" all the fun. I feel it would be beneficial and refreshing for the class and the teachers to have a new "leader" with new energy and ideas. So, please, do not be shy; let Mrs. Prescott or Mrs. Smigel know if you are interested. I thank you in advance for your consideration and involvement.

Well, look at the countdown on our blog...the time approaches. Get excited and we will see you soon!

Best wishes,

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