Yeah! It is almost time for school and there are a couple of important dates to share with you.
First, we have an Open House on Thursday, August 23, from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Students, this is a great time to bring in your school supplies, visit your class and say hello to your teachers. During this visit, parents, please take the opportunity to complete the necessary paperwork provided by the school office. Remember, once the paperwork is finished, students will receive a free spirit t-shirt! Yippee!

Then, Saturday, August 25, from 9:00 a.m. to noon, bring your tools and get a start on those volunteer hours...we will work together to ready the campus for the new school year. There will be plenty to do -- from raking and pulling weeds, to sweeping and picking up litter. All volunteers are welcome and appreciated! Also, do not forget to bring your gently used uniforms...bring outgrown clothes in and swap them for new ones.
We will see you soon!
Get excited for the new year and new adventures!
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